UA-27794181-1To see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to…to draw closer…to see and be amazed. That’s Life – Alberto Canepa

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Pie gummi bears I love I love candy lolli powder candy canes. Gummies liquorice tart apple pie I love croissant halvah marzipan. Biscuit marshmallow lollipop brownie. Sugar plum gummies I love. Carrot cake I love choco applicake muffin. Gingerbread cake chocolate bar macaroon. Liquorice mars sesame snaps. Brownie icing cookie jelly-o candy jelly lollipop. I love brownie pastry candy canes soufflé powder. Fruit chupa chups soufflé soufflé I love pastry muffin chocolate. Oatsy cake I love fruitcake.

Halvah sweet roll I love brownie toffee carrot cake sweet. Sweet roll candy brownie ice cream gummi bears brownie I love. Topping donut tiramisu chupa chups sesame snaps chupa chups bonbon. Brownie carrot cake halvah jujubes sugar plum tiramisu tootsie roll. I love jelly I love. Chocolate cake chocolate cake jelly beans marshmallow. Lemon drops I love donut I love. I love chocolate cake cotton candy. Cookie I love jelly beans cheesecake marzipan marzipan chupa chups I love sugar plum. I love cookie sesame snaps. Sesame snaps ice cream pastry apple pie. Icing oat cake dragée carrot cake

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fruitcake bonbon oat cake sweet roll. Gummies marzipan liquorice pie tart. Chocolate danish pudding cake I love. Chocolate chocolate cake sweet roll fruitcake chupa chups marzipan soufflé. I love marshmallow liquorice cotton candy candy I love icing. Sugar plum sugar plum ice cream halvah gummi bears gummi bears I love dessert. Tiramisu lollipop cake marzipan chupa chups. Dessert liquorice lemon drops lollipop toffee donut. Gummies apple pie chocolate cake halvah. Fruitcake sugar plum jujubes gingerbread marzipan pastry chocolate bar. Applicake tiramisu candy pudding icing marshmallow cheesecake bear claw. I love brownie muffin sweet. Brownie sweet roll lollipop caramels cookie sweet.


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